Frequently asked questions.

Return/exchange policy

I strive to please every client with the work that they purchased. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase, please contact me so that we can work out a satisfactory conclusion for us both.

Do you ship internationally?

At this point, I do not ship internationally. If you live outside the US and wish to purchase a piece, please contact me.

Do you take commissions?

Yes, I take commissions. Please contact me if you wish to have a commission created. I would love to make your vision come to life.

Do you teach art classes?

At this point, I do not teach art classes. This is not to say that it is not a possibility for the future! But for now, it is not my calling.

What are your preferred mediums?

My preferred mediums are resin on canvas, pen drawings (of animals, specifically), and copper etchings.