Shane and Tonya’s story is their own. Unique as the small life she carried for a short time. And yet common threads run through it. The struggles and the hopes. It is an honor to share their story and this piece with them and all who see this.
Tonya told me she loves this medium, because you start off with a plan, a design. You put it on canvas. And then the resin takes over. The result is often very different than the original plan. But it is always beautiful. Tonya remarked that it is a lot like life. We start with our plan. And then God takes over. The result is often unexpected - nothing like our plan at all. And yet God has made something beautiful out of it all.
Shane and Tonya chose an anemone flower and the colors - rust red, indigo, and green. The anemone was the flower they had in their wedding. An anemone symbolizes anticipation. What is more anticipatory than finding out a new life has begun? But an anemone also symbolizes fragility. Life truly is fragile.
Shane and Tonya walked through their own darkness with their miscarriage. And it took the light of the love of their Savior to show the beauty that was there all along. The reality of His love. And the peace that came with it.
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. John 16:33
Tonya gave me this verse during our conversations. "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." Genesis 2:7. And she said "God is sovereign through it all! He gives life and He takes it away...even though I felt alone and scared I knew, ultimately, He was in control - and that brought a peace that only He can give. Early on I blamed myself for the miscarriage, but later realized that God often uses "tragedy" and "sorrow" to draw us closer to Him and to one another."
Words of strength from a woman who has walked through the darkness. She and Shane did not know at the time that God had 3 more babies planned for their family. They only knew their present pain. So if you are hurting today over a loss. If God has not supplied the rainbow baby you seek. Know that He sees. He cares. And He will use this to draw you into His arms.